This being the case, you can count on FTL delivering top quality at reasonable prices.

Please note that FTL usually charges translations by words in the source text submitted (which offers quite some cost transparency for you, too). However, FTL may also charge by standard lines (i.e. 55 keystrokes as of the source or target text, incl. spaces) or by the amount of work involved. (It is also possible to agree on a fixed price.)

Generally speaking, the fee for a translation depends on the volume and difficulty level involved as well on the allowed time for processing, just to name some factors. Further information about pricing is available here.

Basically, it is best to have texts (to be translated) submitted by e-mail and in a file format that can be directly worked on; that also allows FTL to provide you with a non-binding quote, even at short notice, because this enables the total amount of work involved to be estimated much better.

All other services (DTP, terminology management, etc.) are normally charged by the hour. Please note that this is service-specific.

First-Trans-Late would be pleased to provide you with a non-binding quote.

IMPORTANT: When contacting FTL with a translation request, please do not forget to specify a delivery date.